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Last Modified: March 1, 2023

Search Results for child safety

Child Safety on Halloween

For many children, Halloween is the most wonderful time of the year. A whole night spent walking around in cool costumes, receiving free candy from friends and neighbors? What’s not to love? However, despite, the fun, Halloween can also be dangerous. As your children go trick-or-treating, make sure they are safe. Here are some tips for child safety on…

Child Safety and Dog Bites

Each year, more than 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs. Of these 4.5 million, nearly 1 in 5 people require medical attention for their dog bite, or roughly 800,000 Americans. At least half of all medically-treated dog bites in the U.S. belong to children. Children often become easy targets for dogs…

Child Safety Coloring Books

  Teaching kids about safety in and around cars can sometimes be difficult. They might not be able to understand the terminology, but they will understand pictures. This is the reason we created a coloring book focused on child car safety. It is a fun and interactive way for children to learn about car safety.…

Utah Child Safety Laws

Children, because of their young age and limited physical capability, are helpless in most situations. Even with the best intention and care of their parents and relatives, accidents still happen. Unfortunately, we cannot deny the fact that some caregivers and adults are not safety conscious in caring for children. Some of the most tragic accidents…

Parent’s Guide To Child Safety

Some would say that accidents are hard to predict and often can’t be avoided. This may be true, to some degree, but some accidents can be prevented if people are willing to be proactive in safety measures, especially when talking about children’s safety. Teaching your children safe practices, can help them be safe and give…

9 Biggest Threats to Child Safety

As a parent, your primary concern and consideration is for the well-being of your child.  The average parent worries constantly about the possibility that their child may be hurt or in danger—educating them on any names and numbers they would need in an emergency, arming them with real lightsabers when they go out on Halloween,…

Child Gun Safety: What to Know to Keep Your Kids Safe

In November of 2014, tragedy hit Kaysville, Utah. One Sunday morning, a 12 year-old girl was accidentally shot and killed by a younger sibling in their home. While friends and family mourned, the Davis County Health Department sent out a tweet commenting on the need for child gun safety and awareness: “We urge all families to lock up firearms…